Exponential Expansion On ALL Levels of Your Life! From Emotional Healing To Chronic Pain To Business Success, Relationship Harmony - To Connection To God and The Divine and Manifesting Opportunities & Good Fortune!

We will work on whatever is important for you!

Please take a moment to watch these first 4 video testimonials below so you know the variety and depth of transformation that's possible when you enter into my Spiritual Success Healing Journeys

Exponential Expansion with Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist! 

1:1 with guidance to transform your reality on ALL levels! By now you've heard of the power of subconscious healing... 

My work is the gold standard for clearing old patterns and shifting into a new reality For visionaries, changemakers and multidimensional thinkers only! 

If you're an entrepreneur or spiritual hearted career woman, then my work will help you have it all Because you've reached a certain level of success... and you've realized its not the money and the relationship that brings you ultimate happiness and fulfilment - its something deeper inside... 

Your ability to have those tricky situations without people pleasing... 

The ability feel your feelings when you're stressed AND the ability to stay in a good mood during stressful situations that would make most crumble The capacity to feel secure and confident no matter what anyone thinks of you The deep knowing that you're worthy even when you're not achieving or even when you've made mistakes.... 

ALL of this opens you up to great opportunities and good fortune happening too! With me in your corner, you will glow up, grow up and tap into your child like wonder too! You will love the life you have NOW, while also stepping into a higher timeline. You will change. 

Transform - truly metamorphosis - but become the true version of you 

And yes, my clients manifest money, relationships, pain freedom from chronic issues AND find ease, confidence, resilience, strength and a softness that can only be achieved through emotional healing. 

From business, visibility and fame, to creativity, and motivation to harmony in relationships and healing from grief, pain, shame and everything that is important to you. 

Things will manifest you didnt even know you wanted - but when they arrive you will be thrilled! 

Because when you clear you blocks and pain you become a natural magnet to the desires that are meant for you. You will learn to trust yourself and trust in God/Infinite Spirit/The Universe (however YOU see the higher power)... 

You will become free and lucky - because luck is a way of being. 


Exponential Expansion is like nothing else because we go so deep into your shadow, we bring Light, Love, Infinite Intelligence, Brightness and a new framework of thinking to transform any problem area of you life... 

AND to expand and upgrade the good areas into great, and even better! 

Expand your consciousness, reprogram your subconscious and strengthen your spiritual connection to change the fabric of reality. Heal anxiety, any emotional issue - everything that happens to you has a corresponding feeling and thought matrix underneath it.  

I guide you into places within yourself you've never even met before on a conscious level - and together, I show you how to become the Love of your life and connect to God/Infinite Spirit - the Loving Force of Good that is here with you always.

Overcome your greatest fears and negative thinking

Learn how to trust and create amazing things in life

Workshop your problems each session to upgrade your ability to react with love and intelligence, instead of triggered and judgement.

Get clarity on the exact steps. Detach from a desperate need to get what you want, which makes you magnetic to your desires! 

Business success goes hand in hand with your health and healing, baby!!

Chronic pain healing, if you have that:

All Physical & Emotional Pain Heals The Same as healing emotional pain

Womb Magic Healing Journey
Back, Leg, Shoulders & Sciatica Healing
Foot Pain

Acid reflux Stomach spasm
Frozen Shoulder
Lung Problems

Anxiety, Overwhelm, Insomnia, Bad Habits, Co-Dependency and more - we deal with it ALL - not all at once, except you'll find multiple areas of your life will heal and thrive at once!

AND In The Process you'll grow your intuition and connection with God/The Divine  Will Heal Business & Relationship Blocks, Visibility Fears + Anything Important To You 

A potent somatic, trauma informed, advanced talk therapy with deep body healing to dissolve your pain like melting butter. 

This is a nourishing, life giving journey that will profoundly transform your body, life AND relationships on every level.

Each session you will leave feeling RELIEF. As we move through sessions, the pain disappears for longer and longer. 

When it comes back and we continue sessions - it hurts less and less. Until one day the pain goes away completely. 

We will save your womb, or whatever is happening for you - I have found so far that ANY chronic pain and emotional issue can be healed with my guidance. It all heals the same way with my method - and multiple things heal at once!

Deeply spiritual and practical - you will tap into your intuition, your power and take control of your life, as we release your pain at the same time.

We are ALL energy. This energy is made up of consciousness. Your trauma isnt just a feeling. Its a series of beliefs, vows, habits and actions that are wrapped up in the pathways of your body

I have dissolved serious physical and emotional issues in my clients. It does take repeated sessions - just like learning the piano or losing 50  pounds at the gym

BUT you will get immense pain relief after each session.

In the beginning some healing reactions can happen for some, which can be painful and overwhelming but this is why we start with 3 sessions minimum.

With my guidance we will go into the pain and I'll guide you to heal yourself as I help you heal too. 

My call and response somatic healing method will be like NOTHING you have ever described. 

It is the most deeply healing and beautiful technique for any and all issues in your life. 

Many of my clients choose to stay on after we heal their womb and chronic pain to work on their business, relationships, spiritual connection and overall love of, and success in life.

The investment of time, energy and money is absolutely worth the life force, body health, freedom, love, happiness and opportunity that come into your life through this work. 

It has to be experienced to be understood!

I know this from experience over my last 14 years (12 years professionally) helping thousands of women transform globally - you always have MULTIPLE areas heal at the same time.

It would be my honor to guide you through this life saving, life giving, and life extending method that fills you with TRUE life force energy like nothing else can.

It has to be tried to be believed and understood.

We will go on a journey together, much like going on an adventure. Life has  many twists, turns, potholes and opportunities... I'm here to help you out of the depths of darkness and expand into epic opportunities! 

While healing your body, your emotions and helping you become a powerful creator.

The longer you commit to in this container with me - the easier it will be to keep going. 

As you uplevel, you will open up to new problems.

Such as how a single person has single person problems and a married person has married person problems. Poor people have poor people problems, rich people have rich people problems.

I'm here to help you strengthen your ability to handle each next level, prevent self sabotage before it happens and help you find the solution that is right for you specifically as Divinely Guided from Spirit/God/The Creator.

Over time, more and more miracles and wonderful opportunities and relationships will manifest in ways we can't even imagine at the beginning of our work! Some specific things you imagine will happen, mixed with wonderful surprises that you hadn't even thought of.

This is because we clear your blocks to receiving and get you feeling safe and strong in The World - then Spirit delivers what is right for you in the best way. Since there are an infinite amount of things that can happen - you will be surprised by the wonderful things that happen - especially as we continue on with this work for longer and longer!

Still, even 4 months will create massive shifts - but then your next level will appear, which will be way better than before! But im here to help you as your spiritual best friend and energy alchemist to help you expand and heal through each level.

So choose your level below and message me to celebrate!

You will notice you receive discounts when you pay in full, and when you commit to a longer time period. 

Please only commit to the longer containers if you are resolved in your heart to complete the whole journey. I will never force anyone to keep going, of course- but the more you go in knowing you're in this as part of your new lifestyle the better your transformation will be!

FYI my rates will be raising soon, so now is the time to get in,

To convert money into your currency, type into google:

eg: 2969 pounds into usd (or your own currency)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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Choose Your Journey Length

  • Preferred option
    16 Weeks: PIF Discounted To £2969 (4 months)£2969.00
  • Preferred option
    16 Weeks: 4 Monthly Payments of £791 (4 months)4x £791.00
  • Preferred option
    9 Months: PIF Discounted To £5938 (1 month free)£5938.00
  • Preferred option
    9 Months: Split Pay £947 For 7 Months7x £947.00
  • Preferred option
    18 Months : PIF Discounted To £11,872 (2 months free)£11872.00
  • Preferred option
    18 Months: Split Pay £991 For 12 Months11x £989.00/mo
  • Total payment
  • 1:1 Exponential Expansion Journey£0

All prices in GBP